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Hair Transplant Tips

Where to do your hair transplant: in Turkey or in Spain ?

LeAdmin on May 25, 2023 0 Comments • Tags: #hairtransplantinspain #hairtransplantinturkey

hair transplant in Turkey or in Spain

Hair Transplant in Turkey or in Spain? For several years now, hair transplantation has become a very popular and widespread surgical procedure. More and more men are willing to travel miles from home to solve their problem of alopecia, and regain self-confidence thanks to denser hair. But then, where to do your hair transplant: in Turkey or in Spain?

In the first position of the key destinations for performing a hair transplant, we find of course Turkey, which welcomes millions of patients every year, from all over the world, in order to opt for the most lasting solution against hair loss. hair.

According to the figures of the last 4 years, Turkey welcomes mainly French, English and Spanish people. These countries have indeed experienced a strong increase in demand for hair implants.

And despite the fact that the French, English and the Spanish people have the possibility of doing their hair transplant in Spain, where the cost of a hair transplant operation is much cheaper than in France, they still choose very often, travel to Turkey and in particular to Istanbul, in order to receive their hair treatment.

Indeed, we know today that Turkey ranks number one in hair transplantation and other advanced hair treatments, such as stem cell treatment.

The fact remains that a hair transplant remains a surgical procedure. It is therefore essential to take the time and learn about the clinic and its staff, the surgeon and the hair transplant techniques offered and all the services offered.

Many times, patients opting for Turkey are looking for a hair transplant at an affordable price. However, it is not always easy to go to a country that you do not know and where you do not speak the language.

That is why, through this article, we want to guide you in your choice, highlighting the advantages but also the disadvantages, of hair transplantation in Turkey or in Spain, so that you can decide with confidence and serenity.

Hair Transplant in Turkey or in Spain


Turkey: the country of medical tourism

Turkey, with its history and architecture, has long been a popular tourist destination for many.

But for about 20 years, Turkey has also been making a lot of noise in the field of medical care and cosmetic surgery, including hair transplantation.

According to a recent study, 70% of patients go to private clinics in Istanbul to receive cosmetic treatments such as hair transplants, and 30% go to public hospitals for medical treatment. These figures demonstrate the confidence of patients in the Turkish health and care system.


Hair transplant in Turkey or in Spain – The language barrier

It is true that going to a country where you do not speak the language can be scary.

Hair Transplant in Turkey or in Spain – But since Turkey has experienced a considerable boom in cosmetic surgery, and has been welcoming more and more foreigners, such as French, Spaniards, Germans, English, wishing to have access to cosmetic quality and at affordable prices, healthcare centers had to put everything in place to meet the demand of their foreign patients.

It is therefore very common today for Turkish clinics and hospitals to employ interpreters, for the greater comfort of their patients. Thus, patients can travel to Turkey with complete peace of mind, without needing to have any knowledge of Turkish or even English.


Hair transplant in Turkey – The cost of the stay and the operation

Hair Transplant in Turkey or in Spain? Very often, we think that the further we travel, the more it will cost us. But you should know that although the standard of living in Turkey is good, the exchange rate of the Turkish currency gives a very interesting conversion rate for foreign patients.

Indeed, 1 Euro is equivalent to approximately 20 Turkish Liras. And the salary of a Turkish employee in the health sector is around 1000€, compared to around 8000€ for the salary of a doctor in the UK.

Moreover, thanks to the subsidies of the Turkish government, having wanted to develop this sector to the maximum, the care centers, and the hair transplant clinics, have the possibility of offering their patients very attractive and affordable prices, while taking care not to drop in quality. It is now recognized that surgeons and health workers in Turkey are very advanced in terms of technology, compared to many other countries.


Is medical technology better in Turkey ?

Which country is more advanced for a hair transplant in Turkey or in Spain?

Hair transplant in Turkey or in Spain

The growth in demand for hair transplantation in Turkey has also had the advantage of developing innovative and effective techniques.

And it is in particular thanks to the development of the DHI technique that Turkey has placed itself in number one of the most developed technologies. Thus, hair transplant clinics in Istanbul can offer their patients almost painless procedures, with faster healing time, without any scars, and performed with high quality equipment.

And although hair transplantation is practiced in Turkey and Spain, it is important to know that some methods now considered old and outdated by Turkey are still practiced in Spain and France to this day.

It is therefore considered, in comparison with other countries, that Turkey has state-of-the-art treatments.


Where to do your hair transplant in Turkey or in Spain?

From all the points described above, we understand better why more and more people decide each year to go to Turkey to perform their hair transplant operation.

Many health centers in Spain perform hair transplantation, with good results. But Turkey, thanks to its years of experience, and its advanced medical development, has been able to get ahead of everyone and place itself as the number one destination for hair transplantation.


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