HairBack Clinic

Male pattern baldness: Androgenetic alopecia

What causes hair loss in men ?

Alopecia - Male pattern baldness

We can define androgenic alopecia as progressive hair loss from the frontal hairline to the crown. Due to a weakening process, the hair loses its vitality and eventually dies and therefore falls out.

It is a hereditary pathology which can come from the mother or the father and which is accentuated, even accelerates over the years.

It is mainly caused by the male hormone: dihydrotestosterone, commonly known as DHT, which acts on the follicles genetically sensitive to this derivative of testosterone. These follicles are distributed in the upper frontal area and on the crown. Acting in such a way that it ends up weakening them.

male pattern baldness

It is the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase which acts on the hair follicle. The activity of this enzyme as well as that of testosterone increases considerably in areas affected by alopecia.

Hair loss- Male pattern baldness can extend over many years by affecting the forehead and then creating a loss of density at the crown; over time it is likely to spread through the hairline.

It is important to note that the hairs located on the sides and in the occipital area are immune to hair loss, so they are the ones that are used during hair transplantation.

The Norwood Scale

The Hamilton-Norwood scale (often abbreviated NW) classifies male androgenetic alopecia conditions into seven levels (I to VII). This classification was developed in 1951 by Dr. James Hamilton.

In 1975, Dr. O’Tar Norwood modified and expanded the scale. In 80% of affected men, the development of baldness goes through the seven proposed stages.

The Hamilton-Norwood scale allows scientific and standardized documentation of hair loss. It is useful for the development of preventive therapies and for hair transplants.

Norwood Men's Alopécie Échelle

Plan the transplant according to the Norwood scale

Unfortunately, male pattern baldness is irreversible and can accelerate at any time. It is impossible to determine exactly until what age it will continue to grow.

Fortunately, there are currently very effective treatments and transplant techniques that can achieve more than satisfactory results.

Depending on the degree of male alopecia, the hair transplant surgeon will recommend the best options and can plan your surgery accordingly.

Mild hair loss (type 1 and 2)

If your male alopecia is very mild and you are under the age of 25, it may not be advisable to have a hair transplant, first try treatments to increase hair density. On the other hand, if the male alopecia has been stable for more than 6 months – 1 year or if you have natural hair loss, hair transplant in Spain or Turkey can be a good solution.

Hair loss (type 2,3,4 and 5)

To this degree, if you want to restore your hair, it is clear that hair transplantation is the only alternative. Indeed, in a single session you can generally recover everything and that permanently. It is possible in some cases that a second session is necessary to complete the work. it is the surgeon who will determine the number of sessions necessary.

Hair loss (types 6 and 7)

For very advanced alopecia, if the patient’s expectations are realistic, it is possible to perform a first session (implantation of 3,000 to 4,000 grafts).

Surely that won’t be enough. And you will need more grafts to complete the job and restore your hair.
Depending on your donor area, the surgeon will be able to inform you of the number of sessions required.

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