HairBack Clinic

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How to treat seborrheic alopecia ?

LeAdmin on June 12, 2023 0 Comments • Tags: #seborrheicalopecia

seborrheic alopecia

Alopecia, whether androgenetic or seborrheic alopecia, is manifested by a decrease in capillary density, and hair loss.

Whatever the origin or cause of alopecia, it can affect both men and women.

In men, androgenetic alopecia is the most common pathology, and we now know that this alopecia comes directly from genetics.

But then, what about seborrheic alopecia? What causes it, and how do you treat it? In this article, we give you all the explanations on this still poorly understood pathology.

What is seborrheic alopecia?

Seborrheic alopecia is caused by an imbalance in the production of sebum by the scalp. Generally, this pathology affects young men, between 18 and 22 years old. The first symptoms of seborrheic alopecia can even appear as early as adolescence.

What is sebum, and what does it do?

Sebum is a substance composed of fatty acids, produced by the sebaceous glands. It serves as a protective film, called hydrolipidic film, for our skin and hair. Indeed, sebum protects the scalp and hair from external aggressions such as pollution, the sun, etc.

The sebaceous glands produce sebum constantly, and in a quantity adapted to the needs. For example, in summer, the air being warmer, the production of sebum is generally greater. This creates a natural protective barrier.

How to recognize seborrheic alopecia?

The first signs of seborrheic alopecia are oily hair, caused by excessive production of sebum by the sebaceous glands.

Of course, not all people who have oily hair will necessarily lose their hair. However, if this problem of excess sebum occurs at the age of adolescence and is not effectively treated in time, then it may end in early alopecia, called seborrheic alopecia.

How to treat seborrheic alopecia?

seborrheic alopecia

In case of seborrheic alopecia, the first thing to do is to use an antifungal shampoo. This helps regulate excess sebum and eliminate dandruff.

If, despite this type of gentle care, the excess sebum persists, it will then be necessary to opt for trichological treatments or even low-frequency laser sessions. These treatments have disinfectant properties and allow the regeneration of cells, and therefore a balance of sebum production.

Seborrheic alopecia and hair transplant

For a person suffering from seborrheic alopecia, hair transplantation is generally not recommended. Indeed, the first thing to do is to effectively and sustainably treat the seborrheic dermatitis that causes alopecia. It turns out that in many cases, once the seborrheic dermatitis is treated, the scalp regenerates, and the hair then starts to grow again.

If however, despite the fact that the seborrheic dermatitis has been treated, the alopecia persists or continues to progress, it is then possible in this case to consider hair transplantation in order to regain good hair density.


Am I a candidate for hair transplant?

Patients suffering from seborrheic dermatitis cannot receive hair transplantation during the active period of the disease. It is therefore imperative to treat this pathology before requesting a diagnosis for a hair transplant.

Is your seborrheic dermatitis cured, or are you simply suffering from androgenetic alopecia? We then offer you to establish your free diagnosis, for your future hair restoration. To do this, contact our teams of hair experts —> contact.

Hair transplant at HairBack Clinic

The medical team of HairBack Clinic is made up of the best hair transplant professionals in Turkey.

Surrounded by the famous Dr. Baykal Oymak, who has specialized in hair dermatology and hair implantation for more than 17 years, the team practices FUE Sapphire and DHI hair transplants every day, which are the two best implantation techniques known today.

In addition to its ultra-experienced team, HairBack Clinic is today the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey, thanks also to its ultra-modern infrastructure, its state-of-the-art equipment, and its quality services.

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