HairBack Clinic

Hair Transplant Results

3 Types Of Frontal Hairlines

LeAdmin on October 6, 2022 0 Comments

3 Types Of Frontal Hairlines

Hair is a very important aspect for people aesthetically, and even though we don’t all have the same types of frontal hairlines, we tend to spend time making them perfect. It could be said that the frontal hairline is the most visible part, which is why more and more people are deciding to undergo a hair transplant in Turkey to modify it according to their preferences. Not all wrinkles on the forehead are the same, and classifying them can be quite complex because each person’s hair pattern is unique. However, below we will tell you about the general types of frontal hairlines we can find.

Types of Frontal Hairlines

Hairlines can be classified into two main groups, which, in turn, can have different shapes. Therefore, there are three types of hairlines, but depending on their symmetry, they will have one shape or another.

Frontal Hairlines Based on Symmetry

Frontal hairlines based on Symmetry can be divided into two categories: regular and irregular, and they can be observed in both men and women.


Regular Hairlines

Among the types of hairlines based on Symmetry, there are regular ones. These are straight and completely symmetrical lines. Regular hairlines can have different shapes depending on the person’s facial structure and hair distribution.


Irregular Hairlines

On the other hand, there are irregular hairlines. These do not form smooth and continuous lines but tend to create peaks without following a specific order. Similar to natural eyebrows, irregular hairlines can also have different shapes.

Frontal Hairlines Based on Shape

After learning about the two main types of hairlines based on Symmetry, it is time to know the most common ones based on their shape. The distribution of people’s hair is unique. However, we can group them into three main categories, although the truth is that many other types could be identified.


Widow's Peak Hairline

One of the most common types of hairline is known as the Widow’s Peak. This shape is characterized by the formation of a small peak in the center of the forehead, resembling a kind of heart shape. Depending on the person’s facial structure and hair distribution, this peak can be more pronounced or less noticeable.


High Forehead Hairline

When we talk about high frontal hairlines, we refer to the distance between the hairline and the eyebrows. In cases where this distance is slightly larger than usual, it is noticeable that the forehead appears wider. This is called a high hairline. It is one of the types of frontal hairlines that are usually modified through hair transplantation to reduce the distance from the eyebrows. However, in these cases, the preliminary evaluation by a medical professional is crucial, as various factors, such as the forehead muscle, need to be taken into consideration.


Receding Hairline

A receding hairline is known as the hairline produced by excessive hair loss. As hair loss progresses, the hairline recedes, and what we commonly call receding hairlines start to appear. The shape projected by the receding hairline is a kind of rounded “M.”

How to Restore the Frontal Hairline? 

As mentioned, some types of frontal hairlines are due to excessive hair loss, which can be caused by certain types of alopecia and other external factors. In these cases, there is a solution to restore the frontal hairline, and that is through hair transplantation, which we offer at the HairBack Clinic

Just like with hair transplantation for transgender individuals, not everyone interested in this type of surgery does it solely for hair loss reasons but also to modify and shape the frontal hairline. Hair transplantation is defined as a minimally invasive outpatient surgical procedure in which follicular units are extracted from the donor area, typically the occipital area, and transplanted into the recipient area. The results of this procedure become evident after one year, although visible results can be seen as early as six months after the hair transplant.

How is Frontal Hairline Hair Transplantation Performed?


Shaving the donor and recipient areas

After passing a preliminary evaluation by the medical team at HairBack Clinic and agreeing on the design, on the day of the procedure, the head is shaved, leaving the hair approximately 1 or 2 millimeters long. However, if the concern is having to shave, it is good to know that there is also the no-shave transplantation or DHI (depending on each patient).


Application of local anesthesia

In a hair transplant, the patient is conscious and awake throughout the procedure. To make the process painless, local anesthesia is applied. However, injecting the local anesthetic itself is usually the most uncomfortable part of the procedure. Extraction of follicular units: Follicular units are extracted from the donor area using a micromotor. Subsequently, they are examined and separated, preparing them for further implantation. 


Implantation of follicular units

 Once the incisions are made in the recipient area, the extracted follicular units are implanted in those incisions. This is the final stage of a hair transplant. After completion, the patient goes home and begins the postoperative period of the hair transplant. 

At HairBack Clinic, we specialize in hair medicine and are at your disposal for any questions you may have. Request your free online diagnosis for your frontal hairline hair transplant in Turkey today!

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