HairBack Clinic

Hairstyle & Wellbeing

What is shock loss after a hair transplant?

LeAdmin on October 4, 2022 0 Comments

shock loss after a hair transplant

Hair transplantation is the most effective solution to remedy the problems of alopecia, whether in men or women (female alopecia). Although it is a fairly quick surgery, it is still a meticulous surgery, and some side effects may appear during the postoperative phase, such as shock loss after a hair transplant, or shock loss. Generally, the shock loss occurs in the month following the hair transplant. Not all patients will necessarily face it, but when it does, it is important to be well informed. That is why in this article we will explain everything about shock loss after a hair transplant

Hair transplantation, in order for it to be successful, requires quality equipment, as well as qualified and experienced teams, trained in the best hair transplantation techniques that exist today. But, despite these conditions, the success of a hair transplant also depends on the post-operative phase and the care that is provided. It is during this period that the shock loss after a hair transplant occurs, and even if it seems strange, it is part of the good recovery of the scalp. Although you may think that the transplant did not work, don’t worry, this is natural, so there is nothing to worry about.

What is shock loss after a hair transplant?

Once the hair transplant is performed, you will be able to clearly identify where the new hair has been implanted in the recipient area. Over the days, you will be able to contact the growth of this new, freshly transplanted hair. This phase is very reassuring since it clearly suggests that the hair transplant has worked. However, several weeks later (usually between 4 to 6 weeks after the hair transplant) sudden hair loss occurs (whether it is the original hair or the transplanted hair). It is then that misinformed patients panic, and think that the operation was not carried out well and that the hair transplant failed.

But when this hair loss happens after the hair transplant, don’t worry about it. This is a completely normal and natural phenomenon. And this will even contribute to the proper development of hair follicles. This sudden hair loss after the hair implant operation is called shock loss or shock-loss. It is a relatively short phase of the postoperative period during which the follicle reactivates its normal phase of growth.

The rejection of a new body in the skin is a completely normal reaction of our organism. However, this rejection occurs once the new hair follicles have taken root in their new environment. This is why, once the shock loss after a hair transplant has passed, the new hair will start to grow again and this time definitely. This is called the anagen phase.

How does the hair cycle take place?

shock loss

The hair cycle is done in 3 phases during which the hair follicles will have different behaviors:

The Anagen phase:

Growth phase during which the hair follicles develop. During this phase the hair grows about 1cm per month.

The Catagen phase:

Or resting phase. The hair rests and stops growing for about 2 weeks, before moving on to the next phase.

The Telogen phase:

Phase of hair loss. The follicles detach from the hair root and fall out. This phase is normal and happens to all individuals, whether or not they have alopecia (on a more or less large scale, therefore). In the case of alopecia, the pathology prevents the natural return to the regrowth phase, i.e. the anagen phase. During a shock loss after a hair transplant, the follicles will spend a short time in this phase before growing again.

The postoperative period after hair transplantation

The postoperative period after hair transplantation is very important.

The doctor and his team will give you advice and recommendations, which it will be imperative to follow to the letter, in order to guarantee the success of your hair transplant.

From the washing process to the do’s and don’ts during the postoperative period, all the recommendations are of major importance in the success of the operation and the regrowth of your new hair.

In compliance with all instructions, shock loss after a hair transplant will therefore not be a problem.

How does hair grow after a hair transplant?

Shock-loss or shock loss after hair transplantation is part of the normal follicle growth process after implantation. After the hair transplant operation, hair regrowth will occur gradually, going through different growth phases.

1 month after hair transplant

During the 2 weeks following the hair transplant, postoperative care must be followed meticulously. During the first month, the doctor will tell you the do’s and don’ts in order not to damage the grafts. By following all the tips correctly, the follicles will naturally take root in the scalp. Crusts will form and then fall off during the various washes. Once the scabs have fallen off and the scalp is clean, the healing phase will then begin.

Shock loss after a hair transplant

At the end of the first postoperative month, all the transplanted hair will fall out. It can also affect native hair that is not affected by alopecia. Shock loss lasts about 2 weeks, after which hair will gradually grow again.

6 months after hair transplant

The first results of hair transplantation will be visible from the 6th month. At this stage, you will see an increase in density, but you will still have to wait a few months before the final result of the hair transplant.

One year after hair transplant

It takes about 12 months to finally appreciate the final result of a hair transplant. From one year, the hair will be dense and strong and you will finally be able to enjoy your new hair look.



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