HairBack Clinic

Who are we?

Siret number: 918373887
Address: 2 Le Fond de La Côte – Samsons Lion
Commercial register:
Data protection email:

Business: Hair Transplant Services

Purpose: provision of online services | Web User Management | Commercial communications related to our services

Legitimation: Express consent and legitimate interest

Rights: Access, rectify and delete data, as well as other rights, as detailed below

This privacy policy describes HAIRBACK CLINIC S.L, hereinafter HAIRBACK CLINIC, (“we” or “we”) the current policy on personal information relating to users, patients and franchisees, and the use of our website under hairbackclinic. es as (the site, the “sites”).

In accordance with applicable data protection legislation, we HAIRBACK CLINIC S.L are responsible for processing your personal information as soon as we collect your data. We may collect, use and share your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy.

We strive to offer you an integrated and comprehensive quality service to manage your hair transplant. In order to operate the website, we need to share your personal information with HAIRBACK CLINIC franchised clinics in order to provide you with the requested services. We may also share your information with other business partners with whom we collaborate for marketing purposes on our behalf, maintenance of our site, development of online services, development of customer service, medical services. We, as well as our franchisees, suppliers or business partners, may use your information to provide you with the services requested. Each of the parties is required to maintain the confidentiality of your personal information and is authorized to access and use your personal information only for the purpose of facilitating or improving the services provided by the HAIRBACK CLINIC centers.

Any data processing carried out in a franchised center not provided for in this document will be the exclusive responsibility of the franchised center in question.

What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Our commitment begins by explaining the following:

We can only communicate your personal data to our franchisees to offer them the integrated hair transplant service via our website. We may also share it with other business partners with whom we do business, as described in this privacy policy.

We will use your personal information to provide you with the services we offer on the Site and through our franchisees, including:

  • Personal information you provide, credit card information or other electronic payment processing;
  • The processing of your billing information;
  • How to contact you regarding the services you have requested;
  • Provide you with information about the locations of the nearest clinics or certain information about your clinic.
  • Marketing also through our franchisees or our communication with you.
  • To provide you with information that you have requested from us, our franchisees;
  • Develop and display advertisements tailored to your interests and preferences.
  • Send you electronic communications that you have requested, such as text messages, notifications via your mobile device.
  • Provide assistance with your hair transplant goals, such as pre- and post-operative recommendations, and other information to help you achieve your goals;
  • If you want more information about the processing of your data, see the different sections of the privacy policy that can be found below.


HAIRBACK CLINIC S.L has designated an internal contact person within its organization. If you want to ask a question regarding the processing of your personal data or complain about the way we have collected or processed your personal information, contact us by email at


  • Name, address and date of birth.
  • Phone number and email address.
  • Location.
  • Payment and return information.
  • IP address, date and time you accessed our services, internet browser and device operating system data.
  • Picture
  • Any other information or data you choose to share with us.

Contact forms

In some cases, it is mandatory to complete the registration form to access and enjoy certain services offered on the web; Likewise, not providing the requested personal data or not accepting this data protection policy means that it is impossible to subscribe, register or participate in any of the promotions in which personal data is requested.


The website and the RRSS of HAIRBACK, SL use cookies, the effects of optimizing and personalizing your navigation on their own. Cookies are physical files of information that are hosted in the user’s own terminal, the information collected through cookies serves to facilitate the user’s navigation on the portal and to optimize the browsing experience. The data collected through cookies may be shared with their creators, but in no case will the information obtained by them be associated with personal data or data that can identify the user. More info > Cookie Policy

Who we share your data with

Our commitment:

We can only communicate your personal data to our franchisees to offer them the integrated hair transplant service via our website. We may also share it with other business partners with whom we do business, as described in this privacy policy.

We will use your personal information to provide you with the services we offer on the Site and through our franchisees, including:

  • Personal information you provide, credit card information or other electronic payment processing;
  • The processing of your billing information;
  • How to contact you regarding the services you have requested;
  • Provide you with information about the locations of the nearest clinics or certain information about your clinic.
  • Marketing also through our franchisees or our communication with you.
  • To provide you with information that you have requested from us, our franchisees;
  • Develop and display advertisements tailored to your interests and preferences.
  • Send you electronic communications that you have requested, such as text messages, notifications via your mobile device.
  • Provide assistance with your hair transplant goals, such as pre- and post-operative recommendations, and other information to help you achieve your goals;
  • If you want more information about the processing of your data, see the different sections of the privacy policy that can be found below.

How long do we keep your data

The tratamiento de los datos con las finalidades descritas will remain during the time necessary to fulfill con la finalidad de su recogida originallymente (por ejemplo, mientras dure la relación commercial), así como para el cumplimiento de las obligations legales que se deriven del tratamiento de The data.

What rights do you have over your data?

You can address your communications and exercise your rights by sending a request to the following email:

You can request it:

  • Right of access: you can request information about the personal data we hold about you.
  • Right of rectification: you can communicate any modification of your personal data.
  • Right to deletion and to be forgotten: you can request deletion after blocking personal data.
  • Right to limit processing: supposes the limitation of data processing, opposing their continued processing.
  • Right to probability: in certain cases, you can request a copy of the data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format for transmission to another controller.
  • Right not to be subject to individualized decisions: you can request that decisions are not taken solely on the basis of automated processing, including profiling, producing legal effects or significantly affecting the ‘interested.

In some cases, the request may be refused if you request that the data necessary to comply with legal obligations be deleted.

Likewise, if you have a complaint about the processing of data, you can file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

Where we send your data

In general, data is stored within the EU, data that is sent to third parties outside the EU, we will ensure that it provides a sufficient level of protection, either due to Binding Corporate Rules (BCR), or because they have adhered to the “Privacy Shield”.

Contact Information

Your rights

You can address your communications and exercise your rights by sending a request to the following email:

You can request it:

  • Right of access: you can request information about the personal data we hold about you.
  • Right of rectification: you can communicate any modification of your personal data.
  • Right to deletion and to be forgotten: you can request deletion after blocking personal data.
  • Right to limit processing: supposes the limitation of data processing, opposing their continued processing.
  • Right to probability: in certain cases, you can request a copy of the data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format for transmission to another controller.
  • Right not to be subject to individualized decisions: you can request that decisions are not taken solely on the basis of automated processing, including profiling, producing legal effects or significantly affecting the ‘interested.

In some cases, the request may be refused if you request that the data necessary to comply with legal obligations be deleted.

Likewise, if you have a complaint about the processing of data, you can file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.


This privacy policy may be modified. We recommend that you review the Privacy Policy from time to time.

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